Sunday, 16 January 2011

Six Sentence Sunday #2

For this week's post (and future ones for a while) I'm going to turn to another WIP. Over time, you'll get to know this one. I've called it 'Help in Ages Past'. It is based, as too many of my story images or even plots (as in the case of this one) are, on a dream I had once. I'm not going to say much more, as I would like your thoughts. I will note that, in this section, 'monvir' means 'monster virus'.

The reports coming in were ... well ... bad. Losses of upwards of 500 men a day, casualties by the thousands.... The biological weapons were taking their toll on his troops. Nevermind that they were inoculated against their own monvirs, their immune systems simply couldn’t handle the monvirs that the enemy were creating – and spreading. And this aside from the physical weapons fire, which was wreaking its own havoc. This latest missive was no help.


  1. Biological weapons? Casualties? I'm sold!

  2. Oh, i like the sound of this. MORE!

  3. Yikes! This sounds so hopeless...

    Keep it coming!

  4. This sounds like my kind of story. I can't wait to see more!

  5. LOL @ Fallon. There will be some more coming! Dee - I'll take that as a compliment :-D

    Thanks each of you so far. I'm very happy that you like!

  6. biological weapons, men dying everywhere, love it.

  7. Very interesting. I definitely want to read more of this. Great Snippet.

  8. Intriguing, to say the least. I sat here wondering if monster virus simply meant the next step up from a super virus or if it was turning men into monsters. (And if this is in the far future and whether we're on Earth at all and...and...) Fired up my ravenous curiosity.

  9. I love anything with viruses and outbreaks (maybe not in real life, but definitely in fiction).

  10. oh... seems so hopeless, biological weapons and casualties en-mass! hope they'll be more on this story in future SSS, dying to find out what happens!

  11. Annihilation seems to be closing in...

  12. You've really portrayed the direness of the situation well. Can't wait to read more!

  13. Glad to see you pouring your heart into your writing, Laurel! Comma splice, tho, as an edit for the final edition: "Nevermind that they were inoculated against their own monvirs, [<-- delete comma; insert semi-colon] their immune systems simply couldn’t handle the monvirs that the enemy were creating – and spreading."

  14. Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Definitely leaves me begging for more information! Great pic! Will definitely be looking for more.

  16. Very dire indeed. I hope help's on the horizon.

  17. I always envy authors who dream their stories first. Great six, sets a bleak scene very well.
