Wednesday, 3 December 2008


Yesterday I read a really moving devotional about compassion. I will not reproduce the text here, but the context was about a group of people having compassion on another person - at risk of their own lives and safety - during World War II.

Of course, any story that comes out of World War II is moving, because in war, ordinary people become heroes. However - the Bible defines the times we live in as a time of battle - even, yes, a time of war. Although our battle is not with the humans around us, we need to battle FOR them - in other words, have compassion on them, and be prepared to take risks to ensure their spiritual safety (as well as material/physical and emotional safety). If we look at Jesus, we have a supreme example of an eternal Creator who has compassion on us, His creation. He never walked away from someone who called out to Him, and He always had time to heal, and was willing to do so when asked. We are called to be just like Him.

This should make any thinking person stop, take stock of their lives, and begin to practice compassion - at what cost? a few minutes? a few pounds? but if the reward is eternal - what is the cost really?