Tuesday, 12 October 2010

The Nighttime Rollercoaster

"Sleeping hard" just doesn't describe it. I feel like I've just stepped off a rollercoaster. I'm wiped out and the day has barely begun!

And it wasn't the tossing and turning - although there was a fair amount of that. Clearly our duvet is good insulation, because it was chilly out there! No. My dreams had me leaping from one concept to another. Lingerie modelling (do NOT ask ... lol); working in a South African Bistro (that's the only word I can think of) in London where the clients were the waiters and one couldn't understand what anyone was asking for; being chased by a shark-toothed version of Bond's Jaws (rather comical, actually. He was quite sweet); being on a coach with a guy from Terminator Salvation (who was NOT from said movie!); meeting the "cinema freaks" - a family who love Merlin ... again, don't ask; to being back at university and basically never at class (this is NOT like me) ........

MAN, where did that lot come from!! Clearly someone has decided I needed an active night so that I'd be raring and ready to go in the morning (which I almost am), so that I can get on with a mega copy-editing project that's just landed on my plate. So here goes ....