Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Review: Fallen Embers, by Lauri J. Owen

In Fallen Embers, Lauri Owen has crafted a magnificent tale of romance and political intrigue, tightly interwoven through the visions of grandeur and depravity that are her alternate Alaska. From the first page one is gripped by the story as one meets Kiera and Alex, living out a pretty ordinary existence in present day Alaska. The pace changes in a shocking initiation to a realm of magic, where the pair must survive or be destroyed. The scale of this story is as majestic as its setting, and I can guarantee that any reader will fall in love with the characters.

The pages of this book turn of their own accord as one devours the images that flow from them, eager to seek out the mysteries that lie hidden within and, of course, to follow the ultimate conclusion of the romance that is the river of hope wending its way through the book.

Author Bio
Lauri J Owen is a civil rights lawyer who grew up in Idaho's Treasure Valley and worked for more than a decade in law enforcement. In 2003, her passion for social justice led her to law school. After completing her Juris Doctorate at U.C., Berkeley, she moved to Bethel, a village in the Alaska Bush, where she fell in love with the the people, the magic, and the majesty of her new home state. Lauri was selected in 2006 for inclusion in the “Who’s Who of American Women” directory in part for her commitment to civil rights, and she currently lives in metro Alaska with her elementary-school-aged son and rescued cat companions. Lauri is currently hard at work on the third novel in The Embers Series, Rising Embers, which will likely be out in early 2012.

Author Contact Information
Facebook: Fallen Embers - The Embers Series
Twitter: laurijowen
Blog: Embers

Blowing Embers, chapter two in The Embers Series, is due out July 2011. Check out it's cover below, and go here to see the book video.

Cover image used with permission from Lauri J Owen, received at the time of posting.