Monday, 11 July 2011

I am a Princess

Ok, now that I have your attention ...

Actually, I'm being serious, although I cannot be sure where this is really going. I've just had a wonderful weekend with friends at th church I used to attend when I lived in Northampton. It was a respite in the storm, a safe harbour. But now the storm is setting back in, trying to steal that peace and joy away.

Funny thing is, I'm not sure it's quite succeeding. You see, I've been asking a few ... ok, quite a lot of ... questions of God, and these are questions that need answers. I'm getting tired of battling, tired of being depressed, tired of ... well, I can go on. And it's strange: I seem to be getting answers. Answers that will take some convincing me of in some instances, but they are still answers. But how did I get to the title of this blog post, I can hear you asking? Well, here you go.

As many will know, Will and Kate - the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, have just completed their tour of North America. It ran through my mind that they don't live in Cambridge - they live in Anglesy - but if they wanted to move there, there likely wouldn't be any barriers because, as members of the Royal Family, they more likely than not have sufficient funds at their disposal to do what they please, go where they would like to go, and so on.

It was roughly at this point in my musing that the thought popped into my mind, "I am a princess!" And it is true. Yesterday I heard of a man who calls himself an Ambassador, a diplomat for Heaven. And this is true of every confessing Christian, as we are God's representatives here on Earth - when people see us, they see the Father (we trust). I believe and trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, and for this reason the Bible calls me God's adopted child, having all the rights of the Son. Therefore, seeing that God is the King of Heaven, I am a princess.

If you trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, then you, too, are a Prince or Princess of Heaven. Just how amazing is that?