In this snippet the speaker, an 11-year-old called Carly Shadbourne, introduces you to some of the history of her world.
From my reading I’ve learned that, many thousands of years ago, the Four Kingdoms used to be one big Kingdom that reached from the Veraskya Mountains of the north to the high peaks of the far south. At that time the kings and queens ruled from Partheen, the ancient citadel on the Plains of Al’an. The land was at peace.
Central to society, and to the worship of Alnar, was the place of the Dahma. I dream of being a Dahma one day. They devoted their lives to Alnar’s service, living and moving among the people as healers, arbitrators, teachers and protectors. Kei doesn’t know these things, though I try to tell him – to show him I have learning.
There are no Dahma anymore.