Saturday, 28 January 2012

SFFS 28/01/2012

Welcome back to my humble abode. It's good to have you here again.

This week's excerpt comes from Rebirth (aka The Talisman), and continues directly on from last week's excerpt. I hope that you enjoy!

Kei tells me to call him Daddy, tries to make me use his name – Shackly – as my family name, but I refuse. If I call him anything, it’s Kei. My reward is a beating, so I don’t call him anything, not that it helps. Sometimes he beats Mama too if she doesn’t send me to school when I’m ill. He wants me to get learning.
I know more than he ever will, I’m sure. When I’m down in Great Oxe, I spend all the time I can in the town vaults – to get away from him. As children we shouldn’t go there much, but the curator knows I won’t damage anything. I’ve spent hours reading the Scrolls stored there; the legends, histories, and even the mad writings of the seers.
Please don't just stop at this post. Follow this link to read snippets of a similar length from other speculative fiction authors who take part in SFFS each week.