This week's excerpt comes from Rebirth (aka The Talisman), and continues directly on from last week's excerpt. I hope that you enjoy!
Kei tells me to call him Daddy, tries to make me use his name – Shackly – as my family name, but I refuse. If I call him anything, it’s Kei. My reward is a beating, so I don’t call him anything, not that it helps. Sometimes he beats Mama too if she doesn’t send me to school when I’m ill. He wants me to get learning.
I know more than he ever will, I’m sure. When I’m down in Great Oxe, I spend all the time I can in the town vaults – to get away from him. As children we shouldn’t go there much, but the curator knows I won’t damage anything. I’ve spent hours reading the Scrolls stored there; the legends, histories, and even the mad writings of the seers.
Please don't just stop at this post. Follow this link to read snippets of a similar length from other speculative fiction authors who take part in SFFS each week.